Daily Archives: Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Over React Much?

Hold on tight - We're in for a bumpy ride [Métro Mont-Royal]


Just to show everyone that Montreal isn’t QUITE the land of rainbows and butterflies that we sometimes portray it as…I read this disturbing article on one of my favorite Montreal blogs “Spacing Montreal”.

A 38-year old law student and mother of two was briefly arrested (read, handcuffed) and fined for not using the handrail on an escalator in the Metro.

Wow.  That’s all I can say.

To the uber-strict officer’s credit, it turns out it IS technically illegal to not use the handrail, which seems like another strange matter all it’s own.  But really…?  I guess from now on I’m never going to walk around with my shoe untied, since I certainly can’t afford a 500 dollar fine!

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Wow, it’s been YEARS it seems since I’ve posted anything, so in order to avoid my account being deactivated or something I figured I would send out a brief update. Jen and I have been frantically working on the finishing touches of our apartment. We made much progress over this past three-day weekend (Victoria Day, for all you non-Canadians) and we’re as excited as EVER about our home.

We purchased a small herb garden and even a raspberry bush, and we got our fancy library set up and our guest room just about finished.

We’ll hopefully get some pictures up soon.

In other news Beauregard is still misbehaving, but certainly has enough good points to make it worth the trouble.

We will be heading back to Ohio in a few weeks for my younger sister’s high school graduation.

That’s all for now. If anyone is interested in understanding a bit more about why we have relocated to Montreal, I ran across this great little post this morning.


Scroll down for the English version.

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Filed under Food, Home, Random